How To Cure Hemorrhoids Without Medications

OK, here are the natural remedies I promised you, starting with #6 and counting down to the #1 natural treatment of piles. You can one or several of these natural treatments to relieve the symptoms of piles.

I have been working on not having ANY piles in our house - AT ALL. I have gone through needing a filing cabinet to store all of my papers in, to keeping a pile on the kitchen counter, to keeping a small stack on a corner, to NOTHING. And I have to say, it takes work to get to that point, but it is completely worth it!


The symptoms of piles can be noticed both external and internal and are caused by increased pressure on your abdomen. The symptoms vary from person to person. Among to be experienced are as follows; itching and soreness around your bottom. A dragging sensation in your back passage. Blood on the toilet paper after you have been to the toilet. Discomfort or pain up when you go to toilet, a bulging or lumpy feeling inside you or hard lumps protruding from your bottom.

There are different causes for piles but the most common ones are: constipation, mental stress, excess weight, physical strain, age, heredity, and pregnancy. It is useful to know the cause of your piles for prevention steps. Once the piles have been cured, you should take the prevention steps to prevent the piles from ever coming again.

In more severe cases the puffed up veins can emerge outside the anus and be visible to the human eye. This is usually known as piles (or prolapse) because it's when you become distressingly aware you have a problem.



At this point you must ask yourself one question. Is the blood dark or brightly coloured? If the blood is bright red then the probabilities are that you may be looking at check here having to get rid of piles. If the blood is dark then you'll need to get any abnormalities ruled out by a physician.

All cases of piles are the same but whatever your piles problem is like I'm sure there is a natural remedy out there that can help you avoid piles surgery.

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